• About ME

    Alexander James Raymond lives in Catonsville, Maryland, and is involved in his community. He has had a successful career in finance and is known for his skills in planning money, making investments, and running projects. When he started working in finance, his goal was to keep learning and growing as a member of a winning team with a lot of experience. Over the years, he has been able to move quickly into different fields and projects, where he has continued to be successful on almost every level.


    Raymond got his start in the business world at Morgan Stanley. He worked there for over ten years, learning as much as possible about money and running a business. He also knew that working as a team helped him build a group of professionals on whom he could rely for advice and help.


    Alexander Raymond spent much of his time at Morgan Stanley, building relationships, developing custom solutions for clients, and getting better at managing projects. During his ten years on the job, he got a lot of licenses and certifications, such as:


    Series 7 and 66, PMP, Advanced Certified Scrum Master, among many others


    By getting these certifications, Alexander James Raymond could add to his resume and market his project management skills in several different ways. This allowed him to try new things and take advantage of many new chances.


    As his time at Morgan Stanley ended, his interest in project management grew to include other areas. Even though money was still a big part of what he did, he became more interested in IT projects. He quickly found that he was good at this. Before he left Morgan Stanley, he had built his business into a successful one that made around $330,000 a year. He also helped partners grow their businesses by more than 30%.


    Two years after starting his own IT project management business, he is now showing that he could make even more money.


    It was easy to move from working in financial services to IT project management. All of the tips and tricks James Raymond learned in his ten years at Morgan Stanley could now be used in his new job. He was able to try out new things and ended up getting two significant contracts. Navy Federal was on one accord, and Driscoll's was on the other. Raymond has gotten job offers from CVS, Ameriprise, and Key Bank to help them with project management. He works as both a project manager and a Scrum Master. His many years of experience have helped him quickly advance in IT.


    Alexander James Raymond was able to keep learning and growing as a financial advisor by using project management methods. This gave him the knowledge and skills he needed to keep moving forward. Working in different parts of each industry each year has given him more opportunities to learn and discover. This has made him adept at handling many other tasks and operations simultaneously. By combining the two fields, he is now able to do a better job in each and build networks that are stronger and work better together.


    Raymond has made a name for himself in several different areas, including IT Security and governance. He has been able to lead agile teams and help them reach their fullest potential. He has been a part of several organizational changes where he helped bring together groups that could find solutions and work together to achieve the goal. His ability to make the same amount of money in two years as he did before shows that he can use his skills to their fullest.


    Raymond always remembered where he came from, even though he kept getting better and better at what he did. He has always been a big golf, football, and basketball fan, from high school to college to the pros. Because he has done well in business, he can give back to his community in several ways.


    Alexander James Raymond has given between $500 and $1,000 to his high school, Mt. St. Joe, every year for the last ten years. He also gave the same amount to St. Jude's Children's Hospital. He has been giving to these groups yearly for the past ten years and has no plans to stop. Raymond has also helped out at the Children's Inn at the NIH and local food banks as a volunteer.


    James Raymond still remembers the shops and restaurants in his neighborhood. He helps many small business owners figure out the best ways to run their businesses for free. He also gives free seminars on financial planning to people in the community, both adults and kids, in school.


    He can give back to his community because of these things. He has worked hard to get where he is now and wants to help others do the same on their terms. He is proud to know that what he does at work and in his free time makes a difference.

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